OTT/CTV: Head to Toe

Everything you need to know about OTT/CTV – head to toe.

Transcript David McBee Hello and welcome to the Simpli.fi Webinar Series. I’m David McBee, director of training. It’s 2021 and OTT/CTV is bigger than it has ever been. So… we decided to put everything you need to know to sell OTT/CTV advertising into this comprehensive webinar. Yes, we’ve done OTT/CTV webinars in the past. I encourage you to dive into the Bullseye archives to check them out if you haven’t seen them. There’s an especially good part about different people seeing different ads while watching the same show – all based on targeting and data. And no, this won’t be the last OTT/CTV webinar we create. The industry is still in its infancy and the tech is changing and improving every day. There will be more to talk about next month and for months and years after that. But for today, if you want to sell OTT/CTV, you’re in the right place. Some of this will be review and some of it will be new. But I promise you this. You will get a nugget or three that will help you on future sales calls. In fact, I’m offering a money back guarantee. If you don’t learn something new from this webinar, I’ll refund what you paid to attend it. See? Now you know you’re in for some good training. Let’s get started. What is the difference between OTT & CTV? What does the combined term OTT/CTV refer to? According to nearly every source I checked, OTT (which stands for Over-the-Top) refers to the content or shows that we watch online. And CTV (which stands for Connected TV) is the device used to watch the content. The IAB defines CTV specifically as a smart TV or a TV Connected to the internet via an Amazon Fire Stick, a Roku, an Apple TV or a gaming console. But it should also be pointed out that OTT can be watched on mobile devices and laptops. To differentiate, here at simpli.fi, we call that OTT small screen delivery. Or said another way, we watch OTT programs on CTVs. OTT programs might be shows on Disney+ or on demand shows through a cable provider, that we watch on a Connected TV or any internet Connected device. Here at Simpli.fi, we nearly always combine OTT and CTV into the term OTT/CTV to refer to long form episodic programming that is watched on smartphones, tablets, computers and internet Connected televisions. The Popularity of OTT/CTV So I’ve got some stats for you. I mean, you have to have been living under a rock not to know how big a deal OTT/CTV has become, but I’m gonna share these stats with you. Cause, you know, maybe your advertisers have been living under rocks. In 2018, the average daily OTT/CTV viewing in the U.S. was 46 minutes. Today, OTT/CTV viewers are watching 180 minutes of programming per day. Souce: SpotX 2021 Global Video Advertising Trends report More importantly, ad spend is following this trend in a big way. Advertising budgets have only begun to move from traditional TV, even as its viewership diminishes and OTT/CTV grows. This discrepancy between consumer behavior and budget allocation is overdue for a correction. In 2021, look for advertisers to start moving traditional TV budgets to OTT/CTV, especially as they start to understand how to leverage data for better audience targeting while still achieving scale with OTT/CTV. In fact, OTT/CTV ad spending is predicted to hit 6.69 billion dollars in 2021. It’s like Colorado right before the gold rush, people. A lot of money will be made in this space in 2021. It’s yours for the taking if you commit to understanding and selling OTT/CTV. Here’s a stat from eMarketer’s Q3 Digital Video Trends report: OTT/CTV advertising in the US has increased 25% in 2020, with ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) revenue up 31%. Source: eMarketer’s Q3 2020 Digital Video Trends report We’ll talk more about AVODs here in a bit, but its important to understand that they are growing significantly because when discussing OTT/CTV, it’s the big players like Hulu, Disney+ and Netflix that people usually think of first. Meanwhile, in a year where everyone is watching their budgets, AVODs like Pluto are exploding! Speaking of Pluto’s growth, it’s worth mentioning that Pluto TV grew the number of monthly active users 57% between Q3 2019 and Q3 2020, to reach 28.4 million subscribers. Source: nscreenmedia Let me put that into perspective for you. It’s estimated that the very popular OTT app HBOmax has 28.7 million subscribers (source: the verge). That’s barely more than Pluto. I’ll just let that sink in for a minute And with that, let’s transition into what I think needs to be a part of every OTT/CTV conversation – SVODs and AVODs. SVODs vs AVODs and FASTs Let’s start with some quick definitions. SVODs are subscription based video on demand OTT services like Netflix, Disney+, HBOmax (all commercial free) but also Hulu, YouTubeTV, and Amazon Prime. These SVODs either don’t have advertising or for the most part have a “closed system” where advertisers must buy from them direct. Ad buys are usually based on programming. Then there are SVODs that are available Direct to Consumer via vMVPD bundles… that’s Virtual Multichannel Video Programming Distributors. These are OTT services that provide viewers with content from broadcast and cable networks as well as streaming providers. Paramount Network, Discovery, HGTV and other “channels” leverage advertising to allow viewers to watch for “free” . . . okay technically they’re not free… because the viewer is paying a cable subscription. If you’re talking to an advertiser who hasn’t completely cut the cord, but does utilize OTT through their cable provider, these are the OTT services they are probably familiar with. If that all seems pretty simple, let me complicate it for you. Let’s talk about CBS. A viewer with a cable subscription can usually access CBS All Access with their subscription login information. So like if you have Comcast, but are watching CBS on OTT, you login with your Comcast or AT&T credentials. For those who have completely cut the cord and want to watch CBS content, there’s an SVOD version of CBS All Access with no commercials for $9.99/mo and an AVOD version of CBS All Access for $5.99/mo without commercials. What’s an AVOD? AVODs are ad-supported video on demand OTT services – so any service that is either free or less expensive thanks to the placement of ads. Then there’s another term you may hear: FAST. And I don’t mean fast like a Ferrari. In our conversation FAST stands for Free Ad Supported TV. Some FAST AVODs are Pluto and Tubi. More and more of these are popping up every day and their popularity is growing, thanks to all the cord cutting that is happening and the subscription fatigue we experience after subscribing to too many SVODs. Good grief that’s a lot of acronyms. Why am I including these definitions in this training? Why do I think this should be a part of every OTT/CTV conversation that you have with advertisers? Because most people who watch OTT/CTV are unfamiliar with this ecosystem and that can make it difficult to sell. They may be used to buying traditional TV or maybe they’ve never bought TV at all. Maybe they watch a lot of OTT/CTV. Maybe it’s all new to them. Educating them on the space will help them feel more comfortable buying and make it easier to explain reports when it comes time to renew. I had one advertiser say to me that if we couldn’t sell him ads on Netflix or Hulu, then he wasn’t interested. I was so dumbfounded by the statement because A) Netflix doesn’t even have commercials, so … there’s that. And B) Hulu was just starting to gain popularity at the time. They weren’t even selling direct to advertisers and only the big national brands were advertising there. But to this guy, Netflix and Hulu were OTT/CTV. That’s all he watched and so that’s all he imagined everyone else watched too. When I tried to tell him about AVODs and a targeted audience though programmatic… well I might as well have been speaking another language. So yes, I think this should be a conversation during the sales pitch. Certainly AVODs and the programmatic ecosystem have grown significantly since then. Consider what I just told you about Pluto having nearly as many subscribers as HBOmax as evidence of that fact. But also I think we can agree that the more we dive into OTT/CTV viewing, the more we discover AVODs are everywhere. In a past webinar I talked about all the free OTT services that come with new smart TVs, or already installed on Rokus and Amazon fire sticks. You can’t hardly plug one of these devices in without being introduced to a dozen AVODs that you maybe hadn’t heard of before cutting the cord. And then there’s voice search. Your teenage daughter discovers how great the movie Clueless is so she speaks into the voice remote “movies like clueless”. When she’s presented with 80s teen movies, several of them are available for free via popular AVODs. Meanwhile, she doesn’t care if she has to install a new OTT app or watch a handful of commercials to watch Lindsey Lohan in Mean Girls. I want you to have a conversation like this with your advertiser. Ask them if they have heard of AVODs like Pluto, if they watch ad supported OTT/CTV or if they only have Netflix and Hulu. If they haven’t, give them a demo. No, I don’t expect you to haul a 70” Smart TV into their office, but you can pull out your phone and open the Pluto app. Introduce it to them. Encourage them to try it out. They may go home and watch a favorite movie and see for themselves just exactly where their ads might be delivered. And by the way, even if you don’t need to have this conversation to SELL OTT/CTV, you’ll eventually share with your clients their monthly report showing that their ads were delivered on OTT channels they haven’t heard of. Talking about ad delivery in advance will make it a lot easier to win the renewal. The Value of Video Advertising (vs Display) I want to shift gears here a bit and talk about the value of video as it compares to display – specifically static display ads. Because video costs more than display (sometimes as much as 4 to 10 times more – A lot depends on reseller markups), sellers and advertisers alike want to know if video is 4 to 10 times more effective. So… is it? Assuming that the same targeting is used to reach the same relevant audience, is a 15 or 30 second video ad worth that much more than it’s display ad counterpart? Eyeball time Let’s consider a few things starting with simple “eyeball time.” That’s a phrase used by website and app developers which refers to the amount of time their content is in front of the viewer. I did a lot of research to find out how long the average display ad is viewed and there was not a solid consensus (to say the least). Most articles were obsessed with the definition of viewability – which says that an ad is considered viewed if it was on the screen for longer than a second. Other research claimed that display ads are in view for up to 10 seconds before the user scrolls by them or advances to their next level, as in the case of mobile apps. So… using my mad research and math skills I’m gonna estimate that display ads are viewed for about 5 seconds each for the purposes of this example. The data junkies here at Simpli.fi will not appreciate my inexact estimates, but I contend that it will work for this comparison. So if you buy that a display ad is viewed for 5 seconds then a 15 second non-skippable OTT/CTV ad would be at least 3 times better, right? Because it gets 3 times more eyeball time. A 30 second commercial would be 6 times better. Even standard video pre-roll ad (believe it or not, I have to say standard pre-roll because there’s also something called OTT pre-roll, which we are not talking about) anyway, a standard pre-roll ad – even one that is skipped after the first 5 seconds is AT LEAST AS effective as a display ad before getting skipped – if, all we’re considering is eyeball time. But there’s a lot more to a video than just screen time. Site, sound, motion, emotion Videos leverage site, sound, motion and emotion. I could probably spend an hour on this concept alone, but let’s cut to the heart of the argument. Which is more effective? A billboard or a commercial? Or said another way, if you had to sell something to someone, would you prefer to do it only with a visual, or would you prefer to talk? Are you familiar with the phrase, “Facts tell. Stories sell?” A video advertisement can tell a story about the product in a way that a still image simply can’t. Bottom line, the value of video compared to still imagery should be obvious to anyone who has ever seen billboards and commercials, so even thought I could go on, I’m going to stop talking about this. Real estate The next thing worth pointing out when comparing video to display is real estate, as in how much of the screen’s real estate is taken up by the ad. With display, the ad normally appears within a news feed or over to the side on desktop and laptop screens. What percentage of the screen would you say these ads are taking up? 10? Maybe 20%? On mobile phones, the ad can appear within the content or sometimes between rounds of a game. It gets a larger percentage of the real estate on mobile, I’d guess this one is taking up maybe 30% of the screen, but it’s rare that it takes up the whole screen. When an OTT/CTV ad is running, it gets 100% of the screen. There’s literally nothing else on the screen that could take away the person’s attention. Unless they look away, the ad is in front of them and they are seeing it. Except for the rare “full page takeover” ad, display can’t claim that kind of real estate. Heck, an ad can appear on a person’s computer screen next to an article they are reading and they could maybe not see it at all. If that’s a concern your advertiser has, then OTT/CTV is going to be very exciting for them. Non-skippable At the time of this production, the majority of OTT/CTV ads are non-skippable. There may come a day when that’s not the case, but for now, watching ads is how consumers “pay” for ad-supported video on demand services. So they’re not skippable. That is incredibly valuable to an advertiser who wants to ensure that prospects are seeing their message and aren’t sure if someone is just scrolling past their ads without noticing them. Before we move on, let me ask you – did we answer the question, “Is video more effective than display?” You tell me. Are you convinced? More importantly, do you think these examples are enough to convince your advertisers? My take? We kinda proved it, but not 100%. I provided anecdotal evidence at best that a video is more effective than a display ad. And that may be enough to get your advertiser to invest 4 to 10 times more for video than display. But let’s be clear. The only true way to compare video to display is to run comparable campaigns (using the same targeting) and compare the results. And because OTT/CTV ads can’t be clicked, the measurement of success has to be something other than CTR. So if you’re measuring something like foot traffic or online conversions, you could run a display campaign and an OTT/CTV campaign and compare the results to find out. Short of running that test, (which I suspect most advertisers won’t invest in) you’ll have to talk about eyeball time; site, sound, motion and emotion; real estate and the value of non-skippable ads. Ad Placement: Programming or Targeted Audience Since television’s inception, ad buys have been based on programming and the assumed audience that is watching the shows. This is still true with a lot of OTT/CTV buys today. Advertisers who buy ads this way think they should run their commercials on certain channels and are inclined to buy TV the way they always have – based on programming. Want to reach athletes? Advertise on sports. Want to reach intellectuals? Advertise on news channels. That makes perfect sense, right? Or does it? The problem is that a lot of intellectuals watch sports, and there are plenty of athletes who watch the news. While the programming implies a certain demographic of the viewers, it’s not 100%. Display advertising started out this way too. A decade ago, advertisers bought display ads based on the popularity of websites and the content on those sites. If they wanted to reach athletes, they’d advertise on sites about sports or health & fitness. If they wanted to reach intellectuals, they’d advertise on news websites. But advertisers came to realize that there was a better way to identify their target market with online behavioral data, location data and offline/demographic data. They stopped worrying about where their ads appeared, and more about to whom their ads appeared. Today, Programmatic ad buys dominate how display ads are bought and sold. In fact, advertisers spent 63 billion dollars on programmatic display in 2020 and it is predicted that the space will see nearly a hundred billion in 2022. Programmatic reigns supreme as the choice for targeting display ads. Will history repeat itself with OTT/CTV? Let’s see… This is the part of the webinar where I admit for the 10th time that I’m a huge fan of the bachelor. I tell you this not to increase the mockery I already get for being a member of bachelor nation, but rather to point out that I am probably not the demographic that advertisers who buy ad space during the bachelor are interested in reaching. Sure, most of the people watching the bachelor are probably women, but I contend that the old model of targeting based on programming is OBSOLETE… that OTT/CTV and the data that can be used to create target audiences makes it obsolete – just as it did with display all those years ago. You see, the same technology that is used to target a display campaigns can now be used to target prospects on streaming TV. That means that advertisers can show their OTT/CTV ads to: People who have visited their website… People who are searching the web for their products and services… People who are reading content related to the advertiser’s industry… People who visit real-world locations like the advertiser’s competitors… People who are on a mailing list… And people who fit a certain demographic. Imagine creating that audience, and then consider the question advertisers ask: “On which streaming service should I advertise?” The answer: “Whatever streaming service your these people happen to be watching!” If you’re selling OTT/CTV to a digital buyer, this is an easy conversation to have. You’ve no doubt seen this very slide in past webinars and recognize it as the audience that can be targeted with display. So if you’re advertiser has ever bought targeted display, They’re used to targeting with data and should easily realize the value of audience targeting on OTT/CTV. If you’re talking to someone who has purchased television in the past, in the traditional sense, based on programming, GRP and Neilsen audience data, then this is a departure from what they know. So I’m gonna give you a little trick for making this easier. And it starts by understanding that this advertiser basically wants to target a demographic. That’s really all it is. They say, “I want to reach affluent women” and the linear TV seller finds shows that are associated with affluent women. – perhaps even a show like The Bachelor. Easy peezy. All this talk of data can confuse them or scare them off. They don’t want to hear about keywords or lat/longs or geo-fencing or addressable schmessable. They just want to target affluent women, for cying out loud. Okay no problem. Guess what our Addressable Audience Curation tool does. It locates and creates demographic audiences … like for example… affluent women. Yes, it’s more complicated than choosing shows that women (and some men) watch. It’s actually quite a bit more complicated when you really break it down. Let’s look under the hood, shall we? We use offline purchase data and publicly available data to create a list of women within the advertiser’s target geography. We add additional offline data elements to make the list more specific. Affluent could mean that we target by the size of their home or maybe their household income. We upload that list of addresses into our system and then draw a geo-fence around each address based on plat line data. We look for smartphone lat/long data inside the geo-fences. We use cross-device matching to see all other devices associated with the addresses. And then we deliver ads to the smartphones, tablets, computers and CTVs within the addresses. Or said another way – we can target affluent women – and we can do it better than by guessing who is watching what. So, make audience targeting a part of every OTT/CTV pitch. And depending on how digitally savvy your advertiser is, that conversation can be all about the many simpli.fi tactics at your disposal or it can be about the demo they would normally reach by assuming an audience based on programming. Either way, we can deliver. PS: In an upcoming webinar, Ann will be presenting you with strategies for selling OTT/CTV to traditional TV buyers. I’ve given you the short version, but Ann will dive in deep to discuss things like GRP and Nielsen Audiences. How to Make OTT/CTV Affordable Depending on how much you retail display and OTT/CTV, the difference can be significant. For our resellers, it’s not uncommon for OTT/CTV to cost four times as much as display. So let’s consider a strategy that makes OTT/CTV more affordable. Short of not marking up the retail price of the impressions, which you, the listener, probably have no control over, the strategy I’m starting to see a lot of is this: Include display or standard pre-roll advertising with OTT/CTV ad impressions and sell an average CPM. I’ll use an example here. Let’s say you sell display for a $10 CPM, pre-roll for $20 and OTT/CTV for $40. These are just numbers that I made up so feel free to insert your own retail rates. Now, let’s say we’ve gotten an advertiser to agree to a campaign with 250,000 impressions. (*)If that’s all display, it’s $2,500. (*) If it’s all OTT/CTV, it’s $10,000. But what if it was (*) half display and half OTT/CTV? Now the cost of the campaign(s) comes out to $6,250 or, said another way, a combined CPM of only $25. See what did there? Technically it’s 125,000 display ads at $10 CPM for $1250 and 125,000 OTT/CTV ads at $40 CPM for $5000. But when combined, it’s 250,000 display and OTT/CTV ads at $25 CPM for $6,250. Or maybe they don’t want any display at all. There really is a lot of value in standard pre-roll video. It may not be long-form episodic content. It may not be full screen on a big screen TV, but it’s still site, sound, motion and emotion. It can still be non-skippable… or at least 5 seconds of viewing before a skipped ad if that’s what you buy. Combining those $20 CPM video pre-roll ads with your $40 CPM OTT/CTV ads can bring the mean cost down to $30 CPM, which ain’t bad for an all video campaign. Be sure to check with your leadership before pitching campaigns this way, okay? Hopefully they’ll agree that combining pre-roll and/or display with OTT/CTV can significantly bring down the overall CPM of a campaign – making it easier for you to sell it. When the Advertiser Doesn’t Have Video Assets What if your advertiser doesn’t have video creative? Should you even bother to pitch an OTT/CTV campaign? Sure ya should. You just have to add the step of helping them get the creative built. I’ve seen our partners handle this in three ways. They hire employees and create a division that can produce video ad creative for their advertisers. In other words, they bring creative in house. They find local videographers and contract them for ad creation. Some of them white label the videographer and even mark up the cost of production in order to monetize this part of the campaign. Others simply introduce the advertiser to the videographer and let them work out the costs and production. They point their advertiser to an online resource that leverages templates to create video creative. Some examples are Spectrio, ReadySpots and Waymark. Check them out. I realize this adds one more step to your process, but I hope you’ll agree that helping your advertiser over this hump will lead to big, awesome OTT/CTV campaigns down the road. Reporting We’re heading into the home stretch and we haven’t even talked about one of the key differentiators that OTT/CTV has over linear TV and other traditional advertising: reporting. Normally, when I talk about OTT/CTV reporting, I share with you a list of things that you can find in our reporting. Today, I’m going to share with you some sample reports that are commonly utilized by Simpli.fi clients on their OTT/CTV campaigns, so you can see for yourself. Let’s take a look. And by the way, yes, I’ll include this document in Bullseye under both the resources tab of this webinar and in our general resources section. Okay, here is our first example, it includes spend and impressions and then it gets right into the really good stuff. Verified walk ins and cost per site visit. For those of you wondering how we do that, I’ll explain how we get those metrics here shortly. Moving on, you can see that this report includes walk-ins by day of the week and walk-ins by time of day. Scrolling down we have a performance summary, verified walk-ins by zip code, and walk-ins by geo-fences. Then it transitions to the top ten domain/apps where the ads were delivered and impressions by hour of the day Here you’ll see performance by device make. video ad performance and video engagement rate. Let’s look at another one. This one contains a lot of the same metrics but also breaks out small screen delivery from large screen delivery. While I find those metrics somewhat interesting, I think total reach, total visits and cost per visit are much more telling. I think you’ll agree that your advertiser cares more about how many eyeballs she is reaching and how many of those people are visiting her location than she does about how many people viewed her commercial on large or small screens. Still, it’s good information to have because it allows us to optimize to the devices that are working best. Here’s a video performance report that shows placement, impressions and completion rates. By the way, you’re only seeing the top half of this report but when I scroll to the bottom, there are 448 domains upon which this ad was delivered and 444 of those show better than 90% completion rate and none are lower than 83%. The average completion rate for this campaign was 98.5%. Or said another way, nearly all OTT/CTV ads are seen nearly all the way through. For advertisers who have ever purchased skippable pre-roll in the past, this is HUGE. And I can’t even begin to tell you what this means to linear TV buyers who have really no way of knowing if their commercials were viewed, or fast forwarded on a DVR. here’s some data that shows on which CTV device the ads were delivered. Interesting, but I’m not sure how important this is to the performance of a campaign. Still, there’s probably some data-head at simpli.fi who is using these metrics to improve campaigns. This campaign leverages keyword search targeting so there’s a list of the keywords used to build this relevant audience. Personally, I love this one because it allows you to say to your advertiser, “We showed ads for your furniture store to people who had searched for or who read online content about furniture, rugs, tables, sofas, mattresses, recliners, chairs and lots of other things that you sell. If this isn’t the exact right audience to show your ads to, I don’t know what is.” In fact, I would challenge that if you have an advertiser who complains about ad delivery on domains they’ve never heard of, this is the report to counter that objection. “No, I’ve never watched Sony’s Crackle channel either, but what I can tell you is that the people we showed your ads to on Crackle had done some kind of online research for furniture before we showed them your ad. So who cares what they were watching or if you and I don’t personally watch Crackle.” Here’s what an addressable delivery report looks like. So basically, if you sold that DEMOGRAPHIC audience as part of your targeting, you should get a report like this. As you can see, it breaks out the audience they chose, in this case – Ages 35-54 and they recycle – and shows delivery in the state, city and zip, along with impressions, estimated cost per impression and total spend. At the end of the day, every advertiser is going to want some kind of reporting. For the linear buyer who isn’t used to all this data, or the performance that can be measured with OTT/CTV, this should be very exciting and a great way to get them to leap into this new world of advertising. Performance Okay so in the reporting section, you can already see some of the performance metrics in detail. Impressions delivered, reach, delivery, keywords, devices… all good stuff. Now let’s discuss probably the biggest performance metric and the main reason an advertiser will invest in OTT/CTV… But first, I want to tell you about a Google Analytics strategy I ran across back in 2014. The company NEST was trying to determine the impact their TV commercials had at the time so they used Google Analytics to watch for spikes in traffic. They found that the ads drove immediate and dramatic increases in searches, especially on mobile. They were even able to determine which ads and programs performed the best. Simply measuring search traffic against the different time slots and programs when they ran their ads allowed Nest to optimize their campaign and show it’s best performing ads at the times when they were most likely to drive search traffic. Now, understand, no one was clicking their TV commercials, of course. This was anecdotal evidence that if an ad ran, let’s say at 12:30 on Days of our Lives, and they saw a spike in web traffic at 12:30, they gave the commercial the credit for that traffic. Clever, right? But also pretty cumbersome. Imagine integrating those two pieces of data from different sources that really weren’t able to talk to one another. Fast forward to 2021 and OTT/CTV can measure both online and offline visits. But wait, you say. You still can’t click a TV commercial, even one that is being delivered on Pluto on a computer, let alone on a big screen TV. And as for offline attribution, it’s not like people are carrying their 70 inch big screen TVs into the advertiser’s store. So how does the attribution work? Let’s say that I see a Simpli.fi ad campaign for a local furniture store on my big screen TV. I’m interested enough to grab one of my devices like a laptop so I can visit the advertiser’s web page to learn more about their big sale or whatever. The pixel on their site recognizes that my visit came from a device that is cross-device matched to the CTV where their ad was delivered. And so, an ad delivered on a big TV lead to a confirmed website visit – aka online attribution. Offline attribution starts out the same way. I’m delivered the ad on my big TV. But this time I’m compelled to go to the furniture store in person. I don’t go anywhere without my smartphone so the minute I enter their store (where they of course have a geo-fence built – aka a conversion zone), my phone is seen and counted as one that was cross-device matched to the big TV where the ad was delivered. And voila – verified offline attribution. You can complicate this story all day with explanations about pixels and GPS lat/longs and geo-fences and cross-device matching, but the story is really pretty simple. OTT/CTV does something linear TV can’t – it can measure online and offline visits. And with that, I’m going to let you get back to work. But wait! I have a TV related dad joke for you. What did master Yoda say when he saw himself on a 4k tv? … HDMI Don’t forget, a recording of this webinar, along with the deck, a transcript and the sample reports I shared with you, will all be available in Bullseye under The Simpli.fi Webinar Series. Tune in next week for Ann on the Streets, our monthly podcast that comes out on the 3rd Monday of each month and is also archived in Bullseye. If you have questions related to your campaigns, please reach out to your local Simpli.fi account manager and if you have questions about training, bullseye content or find out if your team qualifies for a live training via zoom, please reach out to training@simpli.fi. Finally, please take two minutes to complete our survey at simplifisurvey.com to let us know how we’re doing and what we can do better. Thank you. Now go out there and do something awesome!

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